EGPGC Core Values & Membership Bylaws


Core Values at the heart of the Elmer Geronimo Pratt Pistol & Rifle Gun Club

Growth - the process of developing or maturing physically, mentally, or spiritually.

Effectiveness - the degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result.

Resilience - the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties.

Organization - an efficient and orderly approach to tasks.

Nerve - preparing oneself mentally to not be easily upset or frightened. 

Inspiration - being uplifting and encouraging to others.

Motivation - the driving force behind actions.

Optimism - hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome.



All members are expected to uphold and abide by the following Unit rules and policies:

  • All members must wear Unit shirts and/or patches while performing Unit business/services/maneuvers/formations.

  • The Unit Commander and Chief of Staff are responsible for resolving Unit violations. If a grievance regarding the violation(s) is not satisfactorily resolved at the Local level, it can be appealed at the National level. Appeal decisions at the National level are FINAL.

  • No member shall discuss Unit business, internal strategy or operations to members of the general public, media or law enforcement without clearance from the Unit Commander or Chief of Staff.

  • All members must carry themselves with the highest level of integrity, respect and dignity while performing Unit business/services/maneuvers/formations.

  • No member shall handle or operate a firearm under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

  • No member shall handle or operate a firearm in an unsafe/dangerous manner at any time, including pointing a firearm- whether loaded or unloaded- at the public.

  • All members are expected to fulfill the obligations of good sportsmanship and good citizenship.

  • No member shall participate in any illegal activity while wearing Unit shirts/patches or while performing Unit business/services/maneuvers/formations.