Freedom Acres Veteran Program

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are the application questions mandatory?

These are preliminary questions that we are asking of all applicants at this time to get both a collective overview of the applicants as well as particular insight for applicants- what skills, abilities, challenges and special needs they may have. This will allow the program to adjust, make accommodations to help meet the needs of both the Program participants and the Mallerys.  

Does having a criminal history disqualify me from being able to participate in the Program?

No. We all make mistakes and we understand that life is harder on some than others. The applicant can not be currently facing any charges, nor can applicants possess felonies that would bar the individual from residing on a property where firearms will be kept.

Do I need to have reliable transportation?

 It is not mandatory that you have your own reliable transportation, but it would be helpful for your own convenience. If transportation is needed to the Ranch, assistance- to include bus transportation can be provided.

Am I obligated to stay at Freedom Acres Ranch if I’m offered to be a Program Participant?

Each program participant should expect to be at the Ranch for 8 weeks once the commitment is made between the Mallery’s and the participant.  24 months of service to the Ranch will yield free land for the Program participant.

Does Freedom Acres Ranch have electricity, water, plumbing, internet service/cell service?  

Freedom Acres does have electricity, indoor running water accessed from the lands well, a creative, easy and effective composting system as well as internet service. Cell service depends upon your service provider. Water conservation is a must as it is a shared resource as well as good environmental practice.  

Where will I be staying when I arrive at Freedom Acres?

Group Lodging will be provided with a bed, bunk bed or cot. (no private quarters are available at this time). Separate sleeping quarters for women and men are provided. There are built living structures with bunk beds (women will be prioritized for indoor quarters) there is also a massive tent with camping stoves, cots and sleeping bags/bedding.  There are indoor and outdoor showers, sinks and composting toilets.

Is it mandatory that I enroll at the Colorado Springs VA when I relocate to Freedom Acre Ranch?

ot mandatory but highly recommended for the participants sake. This guarantees access to professional services- counseling, medical etc that each participant has earned thru their military service- will be able to continue while at the ranch.      

What do I do with my property that I’m leaving behind?

Program Participants should expect to stay at Freedom Acres for 8 weeks (additional time is up to each participant and the Mallery’s). After you make the agreement to relocate to Freedom Acres Ranch, you are responsible for making any personal arrangements on your end before you depart. There is not much storage space for personal items.

How far is the closest city to the ranch?

The next city is about 30 minutes away from Freedom Acres. Walmart, Urgent Care facilities, entertainment, etc. The closest gas station/convenience store is 15 minutes away from the ranch.

What kind of work will Program Participants be doing when working on Freedom Acres?

Typical ranch hand work will be performed. Specific duties will be handed down by the Mallerys depending upon the participants skills and abilities. This is an excellent chance to learn about all facets of farm life so take advantage of the learning opportunities! The skills you learn will allow you to build on your own land on Freedom Acres should you complete 24 months of service at Freedom Acres.

Can I invite my friends and family to visit me at Freedom Acres?

YES! Please let the Mallery’s know beforehand so arrangements can be made.  Tell your friends/relatives to be prepared to bring their tents and camping supplies if they wish to stay overnight. Keep in mind that program participants are responsible for their guest(s) AND that Freedom Acres is a Ranch- NOT a Resort so visitors should be prepared to camp.